News in English

Volunteer Crew Joins Klootchy Creek LST for Trail Work


By Nell Stamper

On November 2, the Klootchy Creek LST and volunteers gathered to work on Passive Aggressive and Low Tide.  

The Klootchy Creek trail system is hosted on land owned by Lewis and Clark Timberlands. Although it’s a working forest of conifers, there are a lot of mixed plantings and native trees – so at this time of year, there are leaves to clear off the trail, as well as drainage to improve.

Ten volunteers spent the day cutting out fallen trees, raking and blowing leaves off the trails, and clearing out culverts that got choked with debris during the season’s first big storms. It didn’t rain all morning, which gave the volunteers plenty of time to work on the trails AND look for mushrooms! 

We’ve had a number of new volunteers joining us out at Klootchy. The energy has been amazing. Thank you all!