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What mandate? Trump has now received less than 50% of the votes cast


News media pundits are still crowing about Donald Trump’s “decisive” victory based on a lot of states showing up as red in the Electoral College tally.

Actual votes counted? A different picture, but don’t expect to see it in traditional news.

As of 6 pm Pacific on Monday, the University of Florida Election Lab reports 155,803,701 ballots cast.

CNN reports Trump has received 76,611,197 votes.

Do the math: that’s 49.2% of ballots cast. (CNN reports: 49.9%)

Neither is a mandate.

Despite lack of a popular vote mandate, Trump is hell-bent on deploying American military domestically for deportation and nominating a cabinet full of unqualified lackeys.

According to CNN, Trump leads Kamala Harris by 1.7%. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had 2.1% more votes than Trump in 2016. Trump’s lead is considerably less than half of President Joe Biden’s 4.5% popular vote win in 2020.

Once again, a system put in place to appease Southern slave states has succeeded in painting a false picture of Trump’s actual support.


The post What mandate? Trump has now received less than 50% of the votes cast appeared first on The Moderate Voice.