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Suspect shot, arrested after burglary in McLoud


MCLOUD, Okla. (KFOR) — A shooting in McLoud leaves the suspect in the hospital before he was booked into jail. The sheriff's office said it all started after several burglaries in the area.

Investigators said they got a call about a burglary on Saturday afternoon and learned multiple items, including a gun, duffle bag, money, and more, were stolen from someone's property.

"We've had a string of other burglaries prior to that. So they were in the process of checking out the area," said Lt. Scott Hawkins, with the Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said the suspect, Cameron Wahpekeche, ran away. He was found four hours later when family members of the victim spotted him holding their stolen duffle bag.

The affidavit said they confronted the suspect and told him to get on the ground.

"He, in fact, had a gun and gun fire ensued. The suspect was shot. They actually at one point were wrestling with the suspect on the ground and more gun shots were fired by the suspect," said Lt. Hawkins.

Shortly after, deputies and the victim got to the scene.

The affidavit explains that once deputies got there, the suspect ran about 200 yards and then fell into thick brush.

Deputies tackled him and told him to put his hands behind his back, but wouldn't cooperate. The affidavit also says Wahpekeche tried to bite a deputy's hand.

In the end, deputies said the victim helped handcuff Wahpekeche and they were able to take him to the hospital before booking him into jail.

The sheriff's office said this also wasn't Wahpekeche's first run in with the law.

"He's been in and out of the county jail, numerous burglary offenses, assault and batteries, domestic violence. He is not allowed to possess a firearm because of his criminal history. So it's not something new to him," said Lt. Hawkins.

Deputies are still investigating other burglaries in the area to see if they're related.

Wahpekeche is in jail on a $50,000 bond. No one else was hurt in the shootout.