TRUMP'S Biggest Fans Used To Be His Worst Enemies!
The worst of the MAGA bootlickers, sycophants, doggedly-pathetic, turbo-suck-ups these days are either Republicans once vehemently opposed to him (see Lindsey & Mike Lee) or onetime Far Left "Democrats" seemingly (and in at least one case, literally) in cults of their own. Yes, Tulsi was in a religious cult in Hawaii before briefly being a Democrat while mostly attacking the party from inside the whole time and then bolting for MAGA.
There are others, of course, many others. Sadly, a whole bunch were once Berners. They decided they hated the same people as Trump, so why not let that determine their political loyalties instead of defending the vulnerable people whom they once claimed to want to help? A despicable betrayal.
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