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Student behavior at university: The development and validation of a 10-dimensional scale


by Natalia Maloshonok, Kseniia Vilkova

This study proposes the multidimensional concept of ‘student behavior at university’ and methodology for its quantitative investigation. Unlike previous concepts related to aspects of the student experience, the idea of student behavior considers the combinations and interrelations of individual and environmental characteristics affecting student experience and outcomes. It provides a new lens for viewing student experience at university, highlighting the multifacetedness of this phenomenon and the diversity of possible patterns of student behavior. Based on the conceptual model, a ten-dimensional scale measuring student behavior was developed and validated through mixed-method research with an exploratory sequential design. The following dimensions of student behavior were identified: 1) interaction with course content in class; 2) persistence; 3) self-learning; 4) irresponsible learning behavior; 5) active learning; 6) friendship; 7) study collaboration; 8) obedience; 9) creating a positive self-image; and 10) extracurricular involvement. To develop a survey instrument, we utilized semistructured in-depth interviews with Russian students (n = 119). In the quantitative phase of the study, based on the survey (n = 1,253) carried out at seven highly selective Russian universities, we tested the reliability and validity of the ten-dimensional scale. To test construct-related validity, we utilized the self-determination theory developed by Ryan and Deci and a short version of the Academic Motivation Scale developed by Gordeeva, Sychev, and Osin for the Russian educational context. Our findings are in line with assumptions of self-determination theory and the results of previous studies and can be considered evidence of construct validity. The directions for further development of the methodological approach and its practical implications are discussed.