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Take That, ‘The Onion’: ClickHole Just Purchased A Facebook Page Called ‘Rich And Tammy’s Patriot Zone’


The Onion is currently running a victory lap after purchasing the entirety of Infowars’ right-wing conspiracy empire from Alex Jones during his bankruptcy liquidation, but another similarly brilliant stunt was just pulled off that is bound to quickly eclipse The Onion’s acquisition: ClickHole just purchased a Facebook page called Rich and Tammy’s Patriot Zone.

Boom! Your move, The Onion.

Within hours of The Onion announcing that they had made a successful bid for Infowars, a stunt which has generated widespread attention and applause, ClickHole was able to secure ownership of Rich and Tammy’s Patriot Zone, a Facebook page with well over 500 followers. While the page hasn’t been updated since 2021 and mostly focuses on patriotic Betty Boop memes and Tammy’s ramblings about how no one reads the Bible anymore, this incredible move by ClickHole is still about as legendary as they come and will undoubtedly leave The Onion in the dust.

To ensure that ClickHole’s purchase does nothing to support the harmful ideologies espoused by Rich and Tammy, the agreement stipulates that the low-three-figure sum paid by ClickHole will be earmarked to fix up Rich’s Harley and buy Tammy some Newports. ClickHole has big plans to convert Rich and Tammy’s Patriot Page from a major disseminator of right-wing talking points and Minions memes to a new home for more of the random, totally WTF internet content ClickHole is known for.

Yep, this is going to be incredible. Sorry, The Onion—buying Infowars was a pretty awesome idea, but it looks like ClickHole just beat you at your own game.