News in English

Rachael Rollins will be U.S. attorney for Massachusetts, the first Black woman to hold the office

The U.S. Senate couldn't have been more divided on the nomination of Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollinsfor the job of top federal prosecutor in Massachusetts. But with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie, senators confirmed Rollins to become the state's next U.S. attorney, the first Black woman to hold that post.The vote came Wednesday despitevocal oppositionfrom Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who urged his colleagues todenyRollins' nomination because of progressive policies she implemented asa district attorney.One of the hallmarks of her tenure in the role was not prosecuting some low-level crimes, in order to involve less people in the criminal justice system and divert resources to focus on serious crimes."This soft on crime advocacy should have earned the nominee a pink slip. Instead President Biden is giving her a promotion. I would urge all senators to vote no," McConnell said."Law abiding Americans don't want prosecutors who refuse to prosecute....