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What is Quadrant? Definition, Coordinate Graphs, Sign, Examples

Home » Math Vocabulary » Quadrant – Definition, Examples, Practice Problems, FAQsWhat Is Quadrant?In its essence, mathematics is the study of finding relationships. From planets to atoms; abstract to detailed, mathematics helps us quantify everything. It makes us capable of understanding, analyzing, and predicting how all the known phenomena in our universe occur. And it’s not like we use some advanced level science for this, we just use … graphs.We graph the past and present of a phenomenon into simple figures and draw insights to predict future outcomes, and the branch of mathematics that makes this feat possible is known as Coordinate Geometry. Over the course of this article; our gameplay will be to understand the most essential elements of coordinate geometry a.k.a The Coordinate Plane and its Quadrants.The QuadrantsIn the cartesian system, the coordinate plane is divided into four equal parts by the intersection of the x-axis (the horizontal number line) and the y-axis (the verti...