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A great grift against taxpayers


I blogged a few days ago about The Pākehā Project, which charges $15,000 to teach people about the harm that has been caused by whiteness in the world.”

I wondered how many government agencies are clients.

Well the Taxpayers’ Union had already found out. The Post reported:

Almost $300,000 has been spent by ministries on workshops “questioning the algorithms of whiteness” – including one course that had two participants and cost $21,700. …

Statistics NZ spent the most – $166,715 (including GST) over three years for 217 staff to attend and travel to workshops and training run by The Pākehā Project. A Tangata Tiriti Workshop was held this year for 60 staff.

Taxpayer funded brainwashing.

The Ministry of Justice contracted two courses over the 2023/2024 financial year – Tiriti Workshops and Coaching and Leadership Coaching tools – at a combined cost of $102,493 for a total of 48 staff.

And MBIE spent $21,700 on one Pākehā Project course for two staff members and paid $3811 to Unity House for leadership training. The course has not been offered since 2022.

And Labour tell us that you can’t trim public spending without impacting public services. Ha.

The post A great grift against taxpayers first appeared on Kiwiblog.