News in English

I’m paranoid that my girlfriend is ashamed to be seen with me

A teenage couple walking down a street holding hands

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M paranoid that my girlfriend is ashamed to be seen with me. 

It feels like she doesn’t think I’m good enough for her, and it really hurts. 

I’m 18 and she’s 17. We’ve been together for six months.

She shares loads of photos of herself with her friends on social media, but she’s never shared a single one of me – even though we’ve taken many.

She doesn’t even want me to meet her parents. She’s always making excuses and saying ‘soon’, but it never happens.

It’s making me insecure. Perhaps I’m too ugly or have a terrible personality.

She’s lovely when we’re alone together.

What should I do?



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DEIDRE SAYS: Feeling like someone’s dirty little secret is horrible and really knocks your confidence.

But your girlfriend might not feel ashamed of you. Perhaps she isn’t supposed to have a boyfriend and will get into trouble if her parents find out.

The only way to sort this out is to tell her how you feel and ask her to be honest.

My support pack,  Standing Up For Yourself, should help you to have this conversation.

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