News in English

Broadway Tower Public Hearing - November 14, 2024 - What was written? What was said?


Thanks to Mike Klassen and Peter Meizner and any other councillors who did appear in the council chamber to listen to the speakers who also showed up at the meeting. 

Last evening, the Public Hearing for the first three of dozens of highrise tower proposals under the Broadway Plan continued. Ever since the 70s when I was a CMHC architect/planner trying to help non-profits obtain approvals for social housing projects I have had serious reservations about the merits of holding public hearings. 

I even included my thoughts about Public Hearings in my 2022 Holiday Greeting Card

26 Days! In the 80s, I lived through many such hearings, including a 26-day PH for the infamous Spetifore Lands. As noted in this 2019 retrospective article,