News in English

Bridge: Nov. 15, 2024


“I hear you’re taking up yoga.” I said to Cy the Cynic.
“The woman I’m dating says it will benefit me,” Cy said, in a tone suggesting he was skeptical of the whole idea.
When I watched Cy play at today’s four hearts, West led the queen of diamonds, and the Cynic took dummy’s king and drew trumps. Cy next cashed the ace of diamonds and exited with a diamond, but East won with the ten and led the jack of spades. West took the A-Q and led a third spade. Cy ruffed but had to lose a club. Down one.

“I should have bid 3NT,” Cy growled.
Yoga may indeed help Cy; instead of jumping to conclusions, as is his habit, he can stretch to them. Cy played without thinking; he can let West’s queen win the first diamond. Cy wins the next diamond, draws trumps, takes the second high diamond, leads a trump to his hand and returns a club to dummy’s jack. He takes the ace and exits with a club.

When West wins, he must give Cy his king of spades or concede a fatal ruff-sluff. Making four either way.
You hold: S 6 5 2 H Q 9 8 2 D A K 4 C A J 4. Your partner opens one heart, you respond 2NT (a conventional forcing raise) and he bids three clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: After your 2NT response, partner’s three clubs shows a singleton club. The intent is to let you judge whether you have useful or “wasted” honors opposite his shortness. Since your ace of clubs is working – the K-Q would not be – you can cooperate. Bid three diamonds. Slam will be good if partner holds AK4,AJ1065,Q1053,2.

South dealer
N-S vulnerable
S 6 5 2
H Q 9 8 2
D A K 4
C A J 4
S A Q 9 8
H 7 3
D Q J 7 6
C K 10 7
S J 10 7 4
H 6 4
D 10 9 8
C 9 8 6 3
S K 3
H A K J 10 5
D 5 3 2
C Q 5 2

South West North East

1 H Dbl Redbl 1 S

Pass Pass 3 H Pass

4 H All Pass

Opening lead – D Q
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