News in English

Trump achieves the impossible


I didn’t think it was possible to be stupider than the left about biology.  Start with Lysenko who destroyed Russian genetics in the 40s, thinking that acquired characteristics could be inherited.  The imposition of such thinking led to famines in Russia and China in subsequent decades.  At least he believed in some form of heredity.

Fast forward to the present, with the idea that sex is a social construction (never mind the X and Y chromosomes).  Amazingly, this is a total denial of heredity not just a wrongheaded idea about it. This was not confined to the peasantry, as a recent supreme court nominee wouldn’t commit to knowing what a woman was, saying she wasn’t a biologist.

But Trump outdid the left, by putting Robert F. Kennedy as the head of Health and Human services.  Time to take up chiropractic.  Our biomedical enterprise was the envy of the world.  It’s hard to see this remaining with Kennedy in charge.

Thank God classmate Nick Cozzarelli isn’t around to see this.