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Stink Bugs Guide: Can They Fly? Where Do They Come From?

Boxelder Bugs Camel Crickets Centipedes Earwigs House Crickets Ladybugs Mayflies Millipedes Periodical Cicadas Pillbugs (Rollie Pollies) Scorpions Silverfish Springtails Stink Bugs Spotted Lanternfly Assassin Bugs Stink Bug Identification Color: Mottled grayish-brown Size: 3/4" long Legs: 6 Antennae: Yes Shape: Triangular or shield Region: Found in the eastern half of the U.S., as well as California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas What are Stink Bugs and Where Do They Come From?The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) earned its name from its tendency to release an odor when disturbed or when crushed. Many other insects have these same characteristics, including some species of ants, beetles and other bugs, but you can recognize a stink bug via its distinctive shape, with a flatter top leading toward a pointed bottom, reminiscent of a shield. Additionally, stink bugs can fly and are pretty good at it!Stink bugs are considered an invasive species, meaning a pest of forei...