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Medications and supplements can raise blood pressure

Medications and supplements that can raise your blood pressureKnow which medicines and herbal remedies can affect your blood pressure.By Mayo Clinic StaffSome medicines, supplements and other substances affect blood pressure. Some raise your blood pressure. Others make medicines you take to lower your blood pressure less effective. Some medicines that affect blood pressure are prescribed by your health care provider. Others are available without a prescription.Here are some medicines, supplements and other substances that can raise blood pressure. If you use any of them and you're worried about how they affect your blood pressure, talk to your health care provider.Pain medicationsSome pain medicines cause the body to hold onto water. So do medicines that fight swelling in the body. Too much water in the body may create kidney problems and raise blood pressure. Examples include: Indomethacin (Indocin). Medicines available without a prescription such as aspirin (multiple doses a day), na...