Horse Sport Ireland Horse Source/E-Passport Update
In the 16 weeks, since the new HorseSource E-Passport was launched in mid-July, Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) has received 5,630 online applications for foal passports. This equates to almost 75% of the total number of passports that were issued for the 2023 period. The take up off the new system has far exceeded what had been expected, based on other examples within the industry. The current position in relation to passports* is that 5,630 applications have been received and foal kits have been issued to 95% of all applicants. About 1,485 foal kits are currently with breeders awaiting the return of marking charts and DNA samples, which is equivalent to more than one quarter (26%) of all applications. A total of 1,026 DNA samples are currently in the laboratory for testing. The testing period for each DNA sample is 19 working days, which is almost a full calendar month. Currently, […]