News in English

Baldwin Sends Carpetbagger Hovde Packing Back To California


Like everywhere in the country, Wisconsin's elections were turning into a regular shitshow, especially in the federal races. We watched in horror and disbelief when they announced the slugs and sleazeballs like Glenn Grothman, Tom Tiffany and Drunken Van Orden were winning. Even worse, it looked like the state's worst nightmare since Ron Johnson beat Russ Feingold was about to come a sickening reality.

Late into the night, with most of the precincts reporting in, Eric "Pornstache" Hovde was up by some 80,000 votes. Hovde and his campaign team started to try to bully Senator Tammy Baldwin into conceding the race. They mocked her when she told her supporters at her election watch party to go home without speaking to them. But Baldwin is an experienced and savvy politician. More importantly, she's from Wisconsin and is familiar with state's quirkiness, especially with elections.

Baldwin held on and watched the remaining numbers slowly coming in. She knew that Milwaukee was still tabulating it's 108,000 absentee ballots. And sure enough, in the wee hours of the morning, those uncounted ballots were counted, and the lead was reversed so fast that Hovde's pornstache almost fell off.

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