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Passes x Fanhouse Q&A

announcements The Passes and Fanhouse teams understand that there has been a lot of change in a very short time. We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused by this.Rest assured, both teams share the same fundamental goals for creators: protecting your privacy, safety, and stability in income. That last part– minimal disruption to income– was the main driver in our rush to announce a transition plan. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we strive to make sure that each Fanhouse creator finds an equally supportive home on Passes. Here are some things to know:How is creator content (including uploaded photos, videos, audio files, profile pictures, banners) being transferred between Fanhouse and Passes? To request your old content be transferred to Passes, you need to make a new account on Passes with the same email as your Fanhouse account. Scroll to the bottom if you used your Apple ID as your original Auth method for Fanhouse.Once you have a new account on Passes with t...