News in English

Rock and Roll's Future


I have seen rock and roll's future and its name is Bruce Springsteen . . .

Last night, my wife and I saw Bruce Springsteen for the very first time. I'm here to tell you that the pre-concert hype was literally 40 years in the making, as I've been hearing about Bruce's live shows since the mid-80s, and somehow, against all odds, he exceeded expectations.

The musicianship, the energy, the performance... all stellar. Hook that to my veins.

I noticed this older crowd preferred to sit, at least in our section, but I can't do that. I stood and rocked out for 3 hours, inspired by this relentless performance by a man 25-years my senior.

I thought I was a high energy guy until I saw Bruce Springsteen live in concert. By comparison, I'm a sloth.