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Angelo Carusone: 'We Have A Country That Is Pickled In Right-Wing Misinformation And Rage'


Media Matters president Angelo Carusone summed up pretty nicely exactly why our propagandized electorate was perfectly happy giving the rapist, grifter felon another shot at destroying what's left of democracy in America. I've got lots of friends and relatives who are exactly the people Carusone is talking about here, and every one of them has immersed themselves in a right-wing misinformation bubble.

Here's the exchange via Media Matters:

NICOLLE WALLACE (HOST): We're back with Ian, Angelo and Tim. I mean, I don't want to embarrass you, but we have been talking a little bit about how crippling it is to contemplate, Angelo, that the substance of Project 2025 — I feel like one of the great accomplishments of the summer was that because of your work and some great work in The New York Times and other places and Taraji P. Henson, Project 2025 was front and center before the country. And I'm sure no one read all 900 pages but you. But I read a couple hundred. And it's scary, you know, S-H-I-T. And people voted for Trump knowing about Project 2025. Tell me where your thoughts are today about that.

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