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It Was Not Just the Red States — President Trump Made Great Gains in Deep-Blue Illinois

2024 presidential election results in Illinois – via Wikipedia

The reality of a Donald Trump presidency has settled in across the United States as the undeniable red wave has washed across the media landscape.

A day after the election, Democrat loyalists on CNN and MSNBC lamented the popular vote in dismay. Pundits like Jen Psaki, Jake Tapper, to the inimitable Joe Scarborough expressed veritable disgust as working-class Americans dared to vote in favor of their own economic interest.

The opposition to President Trump shows an unwillingness to learn anything from the last four years. So far, they have doubled down on their racist, bigot, homophobe rhetoric.

Appeals to the ACLU for an NGO accountability campaign on the future Trump administration were reported on MSNBC. Former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill was brought to tears over the idea that a woman, Kamala Harris, had to endure ‘such abuse’ during the election cycle.

It comes as no surprise that an establishment pushing a Marxist-style victimhood narrative would seek to provide cover for a candidate who was never democratically elected.

That candidate, according to a Media Research Center study, received 89% favorable media coverage during the election. In contrast, President Trump received 84% negative media coverage during the same period.

The election was clearly an indictment of the Democratic party platform due to Republicans taking the White House, Senate, and House.

During media appearances on November 6, Republican representatives can be heard speaking of a “mandate” for Donald Trump’s governance. Marco Rubio was asked about a cabinet-level position for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Watch here:

Jake Tapper and his buddy, John King, expressed shock as they realize Vice President Harris had not out-performed her running mate in any county from 2020.

Watch here:

The news is only getting worse as people analyze the data coming out. Certainly, an electoral college victory of over 300, the popular vote, and both houses of Congress should be mandated enough for Trump.

More interesting was the shift in the blue states. Trump increased his Illinois percentage by 5 points from 40% to 45% between 2020 and 2024.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Trump increased his support in Chicago by 10 points between 2016 and 2024. The percentage is still majority Democrat. However, we’ve seen how single-digit support from African Americans to above 20% can impact a presidential race!

Trump gained votes in Illinois from 2020 to 2024. Harris however, lost support as compared to Biden. Biden racked up 3.4M votes in 2020 compared to 2.8M for Harris in Illinois in 2024. Most concerning for Democrats may be the trend in a deep blue state of a consistent rightward shift throughout all counties in Illinois.

As the AP reported for the 2024 election in Illinois, only 2 counties shifted left for a total of 3 points. All others shifted right including deep blue Chicago – Cook County – which shifted right 11 points from D+50.

The Democrat mob rule in Chicago made famous by the first Mayor Richard Daley and re-imagined by Speaker of the Illinois House, Mike Madigan, has shifted Illinois far left. Governor Pritzker has signed a record number of bills into law, including an assault weapons ban, cashless bail, and a book ban bill (violating the First Amendment).

The Biden administration was a clear backlash to a populist uprising. States like Illinois served as far-left governing experimental laboratories. The issue with politics in a consensual government system is the will of the people to push back.

As Gateway Pundit has previously reported, the grassroots movement has shown signs of supplanting the Illinois GOP. A seeming rightward shift in political opinion is an ominous red wave on the horizon for blue-wall states like Illinois.

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