The technical evolution of deep drilling
Markus Nowack explores the technical evolution of precision drilling from mining to geothermal energy.
Earth is a hot planet – about 99% of its mass exudes temperatures higher than 1,000ºC. This offers vast potential for the production of electricity and heat, which innovative geothermal energy companies are tapping into.
However, drilling down several thousand metres through diverse geological layers requires high-tech tools and equipment that withstands the extreme pressures and temperatures found at such depths. To succeed with this challenging task, the geothermal energy sector leverages insights and technologies gained from mining industry exploration drilling that helps uncover probable future reserves. As exploration drilling, too, involves cutting deep into the earth’s surface to collect rock and mineral samples that can be analysed to determine the location and size of potential mineral deposits.
In both these industries, the use of appropriate sensor technology to ensure precise drilling results is of crucial importance. Knowing the exact drilling path – and keeping neatly to it – is essential. So too are shock and heat resistance, to prevent the strong vibrations and high temperatures while drilling through the rock strata from skewing measurements and outcomes.
To succeed with its quest for cost-effective, sustainable energy drilling, the geothermal industry is enabled by German inertial sensor technology specialist ASC Sensors. The company has recently broadened its portfolio to include quartz-based accelerometers and digital IMUs manufactured by Japan Aviation Electronics Industry (JAE).
JAE’s high-performance servo quartz-based accelerometers of the JA-5 and JA-25 series, now available through ASC in the German-speaking markets, are particularly suitable for the challenges faced in geothermal drilling.
Key features include an operational temperature range of up to +200ºC, high shock and vibration resistance (1,500g survival) as well as low/medium measurement range (+/-4g). Their resolution of 1 µg, low noise and excellent long-term stability of scale factor and bias (<2mg over one year combined) makes them ideally suited for inclination measurement.
Due to their outstanding properties, JAE quartz accelerometers are also used in other high-demand applications beyond geological drilling. For ASC, the newly created partnership complements the company’s traditional portfolio of advanced analogue, digital and smart sensors. Working together, the joint German-Japanese team is now able to provide customers with novel, tailored, sustainable solutions to minimise risks and add value to their business.
For almost 70 years, JAE has been researching, developing and manufacturing quartz-based sensor technology for aviation, aerospace, automotive, railway, semiconductor, energy, construction engineering and other demanding applications. In February 2024, the company signed a collaboration agreement with ASC Sensors to ensure access to JAE’s technology for customers in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, in addition to ASC’s own portfolio of highly innovative inertial sensor solutions.
“Our team is proud of our highly innovative, research-driven heritage,” says Yuichi Kocha, General Manager Aerospace at JAE Europe. He adds: “Solving customer needs is the absolute centre of our attention. In ASC, we found that same customer focus, a high degree of flexibility and, above all, terrific technical skills that ensure the best utilisation and service of our sensors where they can create most value.”
Markus Nowack is an application engineer at ASC Sensors.