News in English

About Last Night...


It was a wave, but it was not a mandate, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Perhaps the most shocking part of the election is that the polls were basically right, we are in a 50/50 place. It doesn’t make the outcome substantially different, but know that you are not alone; about half the country is in shock right now.

I’m sure that the lawfare response will begin soon, but it will only be nibbling around the edges.

I’m sure we will have more to say later, but first coffee.

UPDATE 1: From the HuffPo(!)

They want us to cower. They want us to capitulate. They want us to turn on each other and live in fear. But even if this election shows that the original sins and wounds of this country have never been properly dealt with or healed, even if it shows there are people who would rather destroy this country than share in its vision — we cannot stop. We cannot afford to give up or give in to anything. Now is the time to find a strength within us, a strength given to us by those who came before us to fight back. This is not new. We have faced these kinds of people before. We have witnessed these kinds of horrors before. And we have beat them.

And we will beat them again.

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