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How Much is Primary School Teacher Salary in Nigeria? Government and Private

The place of a primary school teacher in Nigeria is very significant. They remain the basic tools with which any child’s learning process starts. And keep young minds growing, kindle curiosity, and foster passion for education. But a question that often arises is: Primary School Teacher Salary – how much do these people earn?In this content, we will research to know more about How Much is Primary School Teacher Salary in Nigeria, for both government and private school teachers.Table of contentsAbout Primary School Teachers In NigeriaWho is in charge of primary education in Nigeria?How much is the Nigerian government Teacher’s salary?Who pays primary school teachers in Nigeria?What is the salary of a primary school teacher in NigeriaWhat is the salary of a public school teacher in NigeriaWhat is the salary of a private school teacher in NigeriaThe Fight for Fair CompensationWhich Is it better: Private or public school ?FAQsConclusionReferencesRecommendationsAbout Primary School Teachers...