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What was NHL history's worst team to have a bunch of Hall-of-Famers?


I’ve had the Hall of Fame on my mind this week, mostly because it’s induction weekend. That’s the fun part of the calendar that starts with you going “Oh yeah, that’s who they picked back in the summer” and ends with a cool ceremony that honors the game’s legacy.

It’s also a good time to debate that legacy, and argue about bests and worsts and in-betweens. That’s what we’re going to do today.

About a year ago, I wrote a post where based on a simple question: What was the best team that had no Hall-of-Famers? I settled on the 2006-07 Sabres as the winner, in case you’re wondering. You had plenty of your own suggestions, and we wasted the entire day arguing about it, which is what the hockey gods want us to do with HHOF debates.

Today, let’s flip the question: What was the worst team to have the most Hall-of-Famers? That’s a little tricker, just because we’re not dealing with an absolute value like “none”, but I think we can feel our way through some sort of weird ratio of team quality to HHOF totals. We should probably have a cutoff, though. Five? Five sounds good. Let’s find some really bad teams that at least five Hall-of-Famers in the organization.

I’ve come up with five teams that I think make for solid candidates. Have a look, then make your pick and/or tell me why I’m wrong.

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