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Not even Jakob Dylan knows what’s up with his dad’s tweets


Every day brings yet another bevy of reasons to leave Elon Musk's website, X, the everything app that used to be called Twitter and was supposed to be a bank by now, but there is one user worth checking in on: Bob Dylan. Since late September, Dylan's page has seen a surge of activity. He's sending happy birthdays to Mary Jo in Frankfort, posting a months-late remembrance of Bob Newhart, and recommending New Orleans eatery Dooky Chase's Restaurant on the corner of North Miro and Orleans. For Dylan fans, it's always a thrill to hear the legendary singer-songwriter's thoughts on anything, whether it be about meeting the Buffalo Sabres in Prague or his desire to congratulate Crystal Lake Publishing on the publication of the 1894 horror novella The Great God Pan. It is, nevertheless, quite confusing for his friends and family.

On that last point, we must ask, come on, try a little, because Jakob Dylan, Bob Dylan's son and infamous Wallflower, doesn't understand the tweets either. Speaking to the Boston Globe, Jakob says he doesn't know what's happening with them either. "Like most people, I can't tell you what's going on with those, "Jakob Dylan said."  I've seen those. I can't [laughs] can't tell you what that's about. I'm not sure. But you're right: Whatever it is, it's more than I do."

The secrets of the Frankfurt publishing convention will remain a mystery. Well, at least until Dylan's other son, How High director Jesse Dylan, weighs in.

[via Uproxx]