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Trump Says RFK Jr. Will ‘Do What He Wants’ on Women’s Health

Photo: Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

Nearing the end of a neck-and-neck presidential race, Trump has doubled down on his plans to put Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in charge of public health if elected. On Monday, Trump told rally attendees in Pittsburgh he plans to give the longtime anti-vaccine advocate and animal-carcass enthusiast free rein when it comes to our nation’s physical well-being. “Bobby’s gonna pretty much do what he wants,” he said. “He’s so into women’s health.” Earlier today, Trump reiterated, “He’s a great guy, RFK. He’s gonna do pretty much what he wants as far as I’m concerned. He wants health for women, for men, for children.”

Kennedy has been touting anti-vaccine conspiracy theories for years and mounted his own “health”-oriented presidential campaign this cycle before bowing out and endorsing Trump, despite having once described him as a “sociopath.” Earlier this week, Trump confirmed his intention to appoint Kennedy to some kind of public-health role, telling a Nevada crowd that RFK Jr. would “work on health and women’s health and all the different reasons … we’re not really a healthy country.” It didn’t take long for Kennedy to give us an idea of what he would tackle in this unspecified health role — he started tweeting about how he wants to remove fluoride from public water, circulating a series of dubious claims about the risks of fluoride. (Trump apparently supports this mission.) On Monday, RFK Jr. reportedly said Trump has promised him control of public-health agencies including the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and the USDA.

If Trump’s plans for women’s health weren’t concerning enough, it is deeply chilling to think about all our public-health entities being steered by someone who so zealously embraces pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. And that’s before you consider that he once had a worm in his brain.

