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Tommie Johnson III wins Oklahoma County Sheriff race


OKLAHOMA COUNTY, Okla. (KFOR) — Oklahoma County voters re-elected Tommie Johnson III for Oklahoma County Sheriff. Both Johnson and Cubit went head to head for Oklahoma County Sheriff in 2020, with Tommie Johnson being elected into office then.

Get to know both candidates

Photo Credit: Tommie Johnson III for Sheriff Facebook page

Tommie Johnson III:

Johnson is an Oklahoma City native who began his law enforcement career at the University of Oklahoma Police Department. He joined the Norman Police Department in 2015 and was later promoted to Master Police Officer while receiving the Norman Police Department's Centennial Award and lifesaving award.

Johnson was elected into the Oklahoma County Sheriffs Office in 2020 after facing off against his current opponent, Wayland Cubit. During his time as Oklahoma County Sheriff, Johnson has created positions in the Patrol Division which has focused on mental health. He received his Masters Degree in Counseling and continuously works and takes care of with those dealing with mental health problems.

Johnson believes he accomplished everything he wanted to during his first year in office. Some of those accomplishments include body worn cameras for Oklahoma County patrol deputies and warrant officers, replaced outdated body armor, aging fleet patrol vehicles, and has reshaped OCSO administration by reducing captains and commanders in order to put more deputies on the streets and has added more call center employees for better emergency response times.

Wayland Cubit:

Photo Credit: Wayland Cubit for Sheriff Facebook page

Cubit is an Oklahoma native who began his law enforcement career as a patrol officer for several years before becoming an undercover police officer. During his time under this position he conducted undercover street crime and narcotic investigations. He was later assigned to the Criminal Intelligence Unit where he worked as a gang intervention, prevention specialist.

In 2010, Cubit launched the OKCPD F.A.C.T (Family Awareness and Community Teamwork) Unit, which specializes as a youth outreach program that focuses on mentorship, building character and empowering at-risk youth in order to reduce juvenile involvement in the criminal justice system.

Both candidates went head to head for Oklahoma County Sheriff in 2020, Johnson was elected in after holding 53% of the vote and defeated Cubit by more than 16,000 votes.