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WATCH PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION LIVESTREAM: Jim Hoft Joins Elijah Schaffer in ULTIMATE Live Show Covering Election Results (In Real Time)


The election is currently underway throughout the country where Kamala Harris is battling Donald Trump to become the 47th president of the United States. The election map is heated, people are divided, but The Gateway Pundit’s Elijah Schaffer is leading an election livestream watching the results deliver in real time.

CEO of The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, joins the livestream to discuss his opinions on the election and predictions for the country. Tune in and watch now below.

Who do you think is going to win? We would love to hear your comments and questions down below. Please, if you have the ability, share this video with your friends and family to get UNBIASED coverage of the election minute by minute by a variety of hosts from MSM and INDP meida:

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