News in English

Trump Staffer Fired After Being Outed As White Nationalist


Meyer, who uses the pseudonym Alberto Barbarossa on the podcast with Richard Spencer, explains his support for Trump as "comes from a desire to cause chaos and decline, in the hopes that the pro-white movement would be able to rebuild the country — a view known as “accelerationism.”' And there's the obligatory derogatory comments about Jews, Blacks, and other races with inferior genes. Yadda yadda yadda. All pretty tedious and stereotypical.

"In a few years, one of those groypers [white supremacists] might even quietly bring me back in, with a stern warning for me to ‘be more careful next time,’” Meyer told Amanda Moore of Politico, basically admitting that Trump runs a white supremacist shop already.

According to Know Your Meme, "Alberto Barbosa is a name commonly used to represent a nondescript man from Portugal among users on 4chan's /int/ (international) board."

After being fired on Friday, the Trump campaign has scrubbed all mention of Meyer, and all his social media (X, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, LinkedIn, etc) are gone. All very odd, as previously Meyer had been prominent at the Beaver County Trump Force 47 office in western Pennsylvania.

Source: Politico

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