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Horsemen’s Advisory Regarding HISA Wanting to Limit Provisional Suspensions Pending Rules Review

Horsemen: Please read below HISA’s announcement regarding provisional suspensions. But first we have a comment from National HBPA CEO Eric Hamelback. Thanks to all of you who have supported the NHBPA efforts through our Calls to Action and otherwise.

National HBPA CEO Eric Hamelback’s comment regarding HISA announcement:

“I applaud the HISA Authority for taking this much needed action in response to our concerns. As the National HBPA told the Federal Trade Commission in August, under the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act, horsemen are ‘guilty until proven innocent.’ That is just one of the ways we believe HISA is unconstitutional and not right for horse racing. Today’s policy reversal highlights our due diligence in protecting horsemen and horsewomen. While small, this is an important step in restoring horsemen’s rights. I am hopeful the Supreme Court will soon reestablish their remaining rights.”

Here’s link to HISA announcement:

HISA Announcement Regarding Provision Suspensions

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