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Broussard is redeveloping its downtown area to keep up with growth


BROUSSARD, La. (KLFY) -- Broussard is one of the state's fastest growing cities, and its leaders are planning for continued growth by redeveloping its downtown area.

Broussard Mayor Ray Bourque said the growing investment interest in Downtown Broussard and the areas along Main Street has led to Envision Broussard, the city's redevelopment plan.

"When the city invests in an area like this, it's attractive to businesses or property owners to sort of put money in their properties and raise the bar on what's possible," Bourque said.

The proposed plan was conceptualized in 2019 and broken down into three phases.

Phase I of the project included adding a gateway sign into the west entrance of Broussard, updating drainage and adding 10-foot wide multi-use pathways with lamp post lighting.

"When we started trying to figure out how to redo our infrastructure in the downtown area, which was really where we started on this project-changing water lines, changing sewer lines, fixing old sidewalks, things that haven't been touched in 60 years- we decided that if we're going to do construction here, let's elevate it," Bourque said. "Let's do something that the city can be proud of, that the residents can be proud of, and that's how we ended up here."

Now, they are entering Phase III of the project, which is expanding those sidewalks and lights on Main Street from St. Des Porres Street to Albertson Parkway. This phase is expected to be complete in the first quarter of 2025.

"We've been moving through the project to make it as convenient as possible for the residents and businesses here, but also get the job accomplished in as quick of a frame that that we could," Bourque said.

The final phase, Phase II, is expected to begin in January, targeting the heart of downtown Broussard.

This includes new drainage, off-street and parallel parking and sidewalks that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

"It's not very accessible for people that might have mobility issues, but we're fixing all of that," Bourque said. "We're improving it, and we're getting ready to have a real walkable downtown."

The final phase will also include civil pride and beautification projects.

Bourque said they have already seen new investments in the downtown area since the start of Envision Broussard.

“It's very exciting for the residents and businesses that are here," Mayor Bourque said. "But we also want to invite new businesses and new residents to come to our downtown area and see what Broussard has to offer.”

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