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AG Arena renovations opens door for more equine activities in St. Landry Parish


ST. LANDRY PARISH, La. (KLFY) -- More than 40 new stalls have been added to the AG Arena as part of its ongoing renovation efforts to bring more visitors and more equestrian activity to St. Landry Parish.

Parish President Jessie Bellard said the stalls have already been built and are in the process of getting a roof installed.

Renovations at the AG arena began in 2022 with the intent to bring back the St. Landry Parish Rodeo. The efforts have resulted in a completely redone and expanded roof, a new stage for music and live entertainment and new fans. The newly built stalls are just another feature to attract more visitors and more equestrian activity.

"St. Landry Parish is the equine capital of the state. So, we're trying to live up to the name," Bellard said.

Bellard said the parish has already been able to attract new business to the arena by brining in two youth state championship rodeos for early next year. That knocks out two birds with one stone by creating new business and a new positive opportunity for local youth.

"We're trying very hard to bring anything youth activity wise to the parish. In order to get them here. You've got to provide certain things and horse stalls was one of the things that was required," Bellard said.

"The youth are starting to use it a lot more and time can get these kids involved and get them learning on what to do and how to take care of an animal. You know, get them on a horse and I promise you they'll be good," he continued.

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