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Supported Kubernetes versions in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). - Azure Kubernetes Service

Article08/01/2024In this articleThe Kubernetes community releases minor versions roughly every four months.Minor version releases include new features and improvements. Patch releases are more frequent (sometimes weekly) and are intended for critical bug fixes within a minor version. Patch releases include fixes for security vulnerabilities or major bugs.Kubernetes versionsKubernetes uses the standard Semantic Versioning versioning scheme for each version:[major].[minor].[patch]Examples: 1.29.2 1.29.1Each number in the version indicates general compatibility with the previous version:Major versions change when incompatible API updates or backwards compatibility might be broken.Minor versions change when functionality updates are made that are backwards compatible to the other minor releases.Patch versions change when backwards-compatible bug fixes are made.Aim to run the latest patch release of the minor version you're running. For example, if your production cluster is on 1.29.1 and 1...