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Founding Fathers’ Legacy Lives in NY Senate Candidate Tricia Lindsay – MUST WATCH VIDEOS! Vote Tuesday to Make America GODLY Again!


Two hundred forty-seven years after 1776, our Founding Fathers’ voices still appear in unexpected places.

Just north of liberal New York City, a new face in the Republican Party has emerged. Tricia Lindsay, an African American woman running to represent New York’s 37th District in the state senate, is perhaps the strongest embodiment of our nation’s founding principles in a political candidate this election season.

Tricia Lindsay’s powerful speech on the Constitution and fighting government tyranny in Albany, New York.

“We have to fight every authority in this country, in this world,” said Lindsay in an epic speech during the tyrannical forced vaccinations and lockdowns in New York. “Our laws were written and authority is delegated by God almighty. When the laws of this country violate, go against and contradict the laws of God, then that Government has become tyrannical. They have to be overthrown. We have to revolt. We have to resist, and do anything we can to protect our freedoms.”

The Gateway Pundit endorses Tricia Lindsay for obvious reasons.

Watch Tricia Lindsay’s INSANELY epic speech in Albany during the unconstitutional Covid and vaccine lockdowns that terrorized New York State:

Support Tricia Lindsay’s political aspirations HERE and learn more about her HERE.

Lindsay, an unapologetic Christian, constitutional absolutist and attorney, became a heroine in New York during the unconstitutional COVID lockdowns and forced vaccinations. She is a fearless voice for the voiceless, a Freedom Fighter, and an attorney that fights against government overreach—regardless of the professional risks.

This reporter had the honor of witnessing one of Lindsay’s most powerful speeches at an anti-lockdown rally on a freezing cold day in Albany, New York in front of the Capitol Building. It felt as though one of the Founding Fathers had descended upon Albany, New York, speaking through Tricia Lindsay. It was truly one of the best speeches I ever heard. Listen to that speech by clicking the link above! 

Lindsay is also a Christian that has effortlessly ministered the word of God as she campaigns.

See video here of her speaking about God:

Support Tricia Lindsay’s political aspirations HERE and learn more about her HERE.

Lindsay, a Christian, is an incredible witness to Jesus Christ. We at The Gateway Pundit also witnessed her speak to a small crowd of about thirty people earlier this year, unaware she was being recorded. We saw God use her as a vessel as He spoke to the crowd through Lindsay. It was one of the most amazing things this reporter has ever witnessed and my eyes tear up at the memory of it. See video above!

Constitutional attorney Tricia Lindsay speaks at the annual Lincoln Dinner in Queens, New York.

“What came to my mind this morning was make America Godly Again,” Lindsay told the Gateway Pundit.  “Make America Healthy Again, and Make America Great Again.”

Support Tricia Lindsay’s campaign HERE and learn more about her HERE.

Lindsay’s explanation of why she decided to run for office was hands down one of the most genuine and powerful answers ever uttered from the mouth of an aspiring politician.

Lindsay said:

“He (God) said I need you to step in. And that was what made me decide to run for the candidacy, for the Senate …because He said my Glory is not spoken in that room (in the NY Senate Chambers). I am not spoken in that room. I am not represented in that room. And so I need my people in that room…so that when bills are being discussed and laws are being discussed and decisions are being made, they are being made with my voice.

Support Tricia Lindsay’s political aspirations HERE and learn more about herHERE.

This reporter was one of the few people to witness the testimony of Lindsay explaining why she choose to run for Senate. You can see me watching in the purple shirt in the background.

Because of her fight for children’s health and Medical Freedom, Lindsay was on the short list of picks for Robert Kennedy Junior’s vice president when he was running for President.

If elected, Lindsay will effectively break the supermajority of Democrats in the New York State Senate that have continued to terrorize the people with their psychotic hell bent agenda. (Her opponent is Shelly Mayer, a cookie cutter woke New York Democrat that has helped destroy New York State and is not worthy of commenting on.)

This is just the beginning for Tricia Lindsay. She is truly the future of the Republican Party- a strong woman that has a steel backbone, her own accomplishments, a real moral compass and BOWS ONLY TO GOD.

Tricia Lindsay, a true woman of God, will fight for We The People.

Support Tricia Lindsay’s campaign HERE and learn more about her HERE.

Lindsay’s New York State Senate race will propel her forward as a politician that actually puts GOD, and therefore We The People, first. Please support her campaign and pray that she gets elected so that she can eventually get into a federal position where she can help ALL Americans.

She is a real woman that does not need DEI handouts and handicaps to get a nomination. In fact, she is the opposite of Kamala Harris.

Lindsay told the Gateway Pundit:

“At the end of the day, our principles of this country are built upon biblical principles. It’s built on Godly principles- that’s what our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence- all of that is built on- Godly principles. So when you violate God‘s law, you are in essence violating human law. When we take God out of our conversations and out of our legislations and things of that nature, then we are on a dangerous path and that is literally what has been happening. So putting me in a room is allowing me to get in there so that God‘s voice can be heard. And I’m not saying I’m God, but someone that will consider Godly principles, you know what I mean? Human rights are based on Godly principles. You have to put Godly people back in place and back in office because His voice is being completely left out of the equation, and that’s the problem because then who is running the country?”

Support Tricia Lindsay’s campaign HERE and learn more about her HERE.

Lindsay appeared on Infowars to expose the illegal COVID lockdowns in New York when most people in New York were afraid to fight.

She continued:

“You gotta stand up. Biblical stories and history is filled with stories of men and women of God standing up against the government. Men and women of God don’t get involved with politics- they got involved with the government.  That’s what it is. The government is what we got involved with and the government has to answer to us because they’re supposed to be pushing Godly principles. That’s what it is, America was formed under that.

The wrong people are in office. The wrong people are making and proposing bills, passing legislation. They are pushing abortion. There this obsession with murder in this country, there is an obsession with hurting children, there’s an obsession with destroying the family unit. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Lindsay continues to inspire New Yorkers to fight for their rights and stand up to government tyranny.

And then if you speak against it they try to say that you want to take away a women’s right to abortion. No, it has nothing to do with that. How about I just want to protect children? How about I just want to protect babies? How about if I just want to say is there another way? What is creating the issues in this country and in the state of New York that a woman becomes so desperate she will find herself an abortion clinic at nine months. What situation has been created that causes a woman to get to that point where despite the movement of this child in her for the past, how many months, despite the connection… despite all of that, she makes up her mind to go to the abortion clinic and abort a child at nine months- there’s something deeper going on there and we’re not addressing those issues, and we’re only pushing abortion, abortion abortion in the faces of women.  For what? And how do we leave the men out of that equation? Who speaks for the rights of the fathers, of the children? The women’s right to choose but what about the father that helped create that child?  It doesn’t make any sense.  So it’s just bringing common sense back common human decency back, bringing God back into the room. That’s what it is, for me.”

Support Tricia Lindsay’s political aspirations HERE and learn more about her HERE.

If you live in New York’s 37th District in Westchester County above Manhattan, please vote for Tricia Lindsay to Make America Godly Again.

If you cannot vote for Tricia Lindsay, say a quick prayer for her that she can be put in a position where she can continue to push God’s agenda.

Remember, in the end God wins.

Tricia Lindsay of New York State inspires many to fight back against the corrupt government. Pray that she becomes our next State Senator.


Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

The post Founding Fathers’ Legacy Lives in NY Senate Candidate Tricia Lindsay – MUST WATCH VIDEOS! Vote Tuesday to Make America GODLY Again! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.