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San Antonio CityPASS

Get ready for your trip to San Antonio! For the best experience, plan ahead and make required reservations as soon as possible. Choose 4 Top Attractions in San Antonio and Save 39%adult(ages 12+)$59child(ages 3-11)$4988 ReviewsChoose 4 Top Attractions in San Antonio and Save 39%88 ReviewsGet ready for your trip to San Antonio! For the best experience, plan ahead and make required reservations as soon as possible. Create your own experience.Looking for the best things to do in San Antonio? Choose 4 attractions and save money. There's no need to pick your attractions now—decide later.One-time admission to 4 attractionsGo Rio San Antonio River CruisesSan Antonio ZooThe Tower of The AmericasThe DoSeumSan Antonio Botanical GardenWitte MuseumSan Antonio Museum of ArtThe Alamo – Exhibit and Church– NEW ADDITION!What's Included and What You SaveWe calculate our savings by comparing the CityPASS® price to the combined same-day box office price of included adult admission for the highest-priced...