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Webcam hacking: How to spot and prevent an intrusion - Norton

Hackers can install malware and access computer, tablet, security, and Internet of Things (IoT) device cameras. If successful, webcam hacking exposes the owners to threats like blackmail and identity theft. In this guide, we’ll cover a few tricks for identifying warning signs, resolving existing threats, and how you can help protect your webcam from hackers with Norton 360 Deluxe. Get Norton 360 Deluxe What is webcam hacking? Sometimes called “camfecting,” webcam hacking occurs when an unauthorized user accesses a device owner’s webcam without their knowledge or consent. Typically, the bad actor (cam hacker) infects electronic devices with a virus. The virus allows them to view and record footage from the owner’s computers, tablets, smart TVs, and phone cameras. It also opens the owner up to security and blackmail threats. That’s why it’s important to practice good cyber hygiene and safeguard against remote access trojans (RATs), vulnerability exploits (malicious code), and other types...