News in English

Trump Melts Down, Threatens To Beat Up Workers Over Broken Mic In WI


In case you needed any more reasons to do everything possible to keep Donald Trump out of the White House, his “closing argument” in the swing state of Wisconsin should finally convince you that he is utterly unfit for any public office, much less the guy with his finger on U.S. nuclear weapons.

We and the crowd could hear the Big Baby just fine through his hand-held microphone. But that didn’t keep him from having a hissy fit over a microphone on his podium not working.

“Do you want to see me knock the hell out of people backstage?” Trump asked the crowd.

The crowd roared its approval of violence.

“I get so angry, I’m up here seething,” he continued. “I’m seething. I’m working my ass off with this stupid mic.”

A guy who totally loses it over such a minor mishap is not a guy anyone should want in charge of serious national and international problems.

“I’m blowing out my left arm, now I’m going to blow out my right arm and I’m blowing out my damn throat, too,” Trump continued bellyaching, “’Cause of these stupid people.”

Trump rallied in Wisconsin Friday presumably because he is neck-and-neck but slightly behind in the polls for that swing state. You’d think he’d be more interested in persuading voters than in whining. But Trump seems incapable of thinking about anyone except himself.

So, there was more whining, this time mixed with boasting:

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