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6,000 military personnel prescribed Viagra in the last ten years


ALMOST 6,000 troops have been prescribed Viagra in the last ten years, MoD figures show.

In the last year alone 877 personnel received the blue pills for erectile dysfunction — half of them serving in the Army.

Nearly 6,000 troops have been prescribed Viagra in the last ten years, MoD figures show
Rex Features

In addition, 100 personnel had sex therapy appointments.

Many of the prescriptions are doled out to troops returning from war zones and foreign exercises.

US research has previously found that bedroom problems among military personnel can be linked to post-traumatic stress syndrome among military personnel.

A study for the Department of Veterans Affairs found troops with PTSD were “significantly more likely than their civilian counterparts to report erectile dysfunction or other sexual problems”.

Erectile dysfunction is linked to conditions including heart ­disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

A Freedom of Information request also revealed that more than 10,000 military personnel have been prescribed sleeping tablets and antidepressants in last year.