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Donald Trump Will Re-Open White House Faith Office to Protect Religious Freedom


Donald Trump emphasized the importance of faith and prayer in his life during a recent event in South Carolina. He stated that his spiritual beliefs guide him and play a crucial role in his leadership.

Trump discussed how he plans to bring these values back to the White House if re-elected in 2024, promising to promote religious freedoms and support faith-based initiatives. He also criticized the current administration for its stance on faith-related issues, positioning himself as a candidate who prioritizes religious values in governance.

Trump said he would re-open the White House Faith Office to protect the religious freedoms of Christian Americans.

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During an interview with the National Faith Advisory Board in Powder Springs, Georgia, on Monday, Trump told moderator Paula White-Cain he would reinstate the office he created during his first term.

In January 2020, Trump picked White-Cain, a Pentecostal pastor, to oversee the Faith Office during his final year in office.

“We’re going to set that up,” Trump said Monday. “It’s important, and it’ll be directly into the Oval Office.”

He added, “We have to save religion in this country. I mean, honestly, religion is under threat in this country, serious threat, and we can’t let that happen.

“It’s sort of the fabric of our country. It’s the thing that holds our country together. We can’t, we can’t lose it. We’re not going to lose it.”

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