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Will Trump or Harris FINALLY reveal the truth about America’s alien secrets? UFO expert says one candidate will tell all


A LEADING UFO campaigner has revealed whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will finally reveal America’s alien secrets.

Veteran extraterrestrial lobbyist Steve Bassett wants the government to come clean about extraterrestrials in what he calls “full disclosure”.

Trump spoke about UFOs while in office, though he has made it clear it is not his ‘thing’[/caption]
Harris has not made it clear whether she would release information on aliens[/caption]
The US Department of Defense released footage of one UFO caught by a aircraft[/caption]
Chilling footage caught on UFO from a plane[/caption]

The November 5 vote is set to be a pivotal moment for many policy issues – including the possible revelation of aliens.

A stripped back bill was passed in December, ordering some records to be released within 25 years.

Those releases could include more video and photos of unidentified craft and secret records dating back decades held by intelligence agencies.

Congress has also held high-profile hearings over the last few years – and some in the capitol are talking about stronger legislation.

But if Congress passed a bill, the commander-in-chief would still have the option to veto it – making the 2024 presidential election a pivotal moment in UFO history.

Bassett told The Sun he thinks Kamala Harris would be more likely to release the secret files to the public than Donald Trump.

He says that’s because the Democrats have pushed harder on getting a bill through Congress – and Harris would follow her party’s line.

The Democrats and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have backed legislation saying the government should be willing to be “transparent” over the issue.

But Bassett thinks either candidate would ultimately release files if they were elected president.

Videos of two incidents were shown to Congress as part of a landmark committee in 2022.

And officials admitted there were 400 unexplained sightings by the US military.

He said: “A President Harris might come forward a little sooner and by sooner I mean like the day after the hearing is over, because the world is going to be on fire.”

Any revelation would only get to the President’s desk after passing through Congress like any other law.

Bassett said: “It’s not about who is going to veto the bill. That’s not an issue.

“It’s going to be which president is most likely to step forward and confirm the ET presence.”

After the bill is passed, the pressure from the public will be so great that a sitting president would have no choice but to allow disclosure, Bassett claimed.

He said: “The sooner they get in front of the people the better.

“We’re one play away from ending this truth embargo 77 years after the press release in Roswell announcing that the Army Air Force had a crashed flying saucer.

“Those who are frustrated and leave the field right now are not going to get to join us in the in the locker room, but that’s how close we are.”

The sooner they get in front of the people the better

Another way disclosure of alien life could come would be if a Senate hearing with experts testifying came during the lame duck period.

Instead of waiting for a new president and Congress, the current one would step forward in November or December and reveal the information, Bassett said.

He added: “That hearing which I’ve described in countless interviews that I’ve given, it’ll be one of the most important hearings in history, watched by millions.

“That sets the stage for President Biden to come forward and be the disclosure President by confirming what this hearing is just demonstrated.

“In which case Joe Biden would be the disclosure president.

“It would be an extraordinary legacy for him, and he would go out the door at the peak of his service to the country.”

Former DoD UFO worker David Grusch testifies before a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing about UFOs[/caption]
Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray plays a video of a UFO[/caption]
Joe Rogan Experience
Trump revealed aliens isn’t ‘his thing’ in an interview with Joe Rogan[/caption]
The Mega Agency
Bassett said Joe Biden may also choose to release information during his lame duck period[/caption]

Trump has spoken about aliens during the election campaign telling popular American podcaster Lex Fridman that he would “surely” make secret footage of alleged UFO sightings public.

During the chat, Fridman asked Trump: “Will you help push the Pentagon to release more footage, which a lot of people claim is available?”

To which Trump readily agreed and said: “Oh yeah, sure, I’ll do that. I would do that. I’d love to do that. I have to do that.”

Trump also spoke about “people coming from space” with Joe Rogan in their three-hour interview.

When Rogan asked Trump if he thought aliens were “flying around” he said there was “no reason not to”.

Trump said: “There’s no reason to think that Mars and all these planets don’t have life.”

When Rogan suggested that some of the more recent sightings could have been advanced drones, Trump repeatedly says: “could be”.

Trump said: “I interviewed a few people, it’s never been my thing to be honest, I have never been a believer.

“It’s not a great interest for me, but it’s still of a little interest.

“I interviewed jet pilots that were solid people, perfect, great pilot great everything, they said: ‘We saw things, sir, that were very strange’.”

Trump has previously commented on UFOs while in office when the Pentagon released three infrared videos of flying objects in 2020.

He said: “I just wonder if it’s real… that’s a hell of a video.”

In 2019, he told George Stephanopoulos that “we’re watching” for aliens, “and you’ll be the first to know.”

The Trump and Harris campaigns have been contacted for comment.

The real threat of UFOs and aliens

FOR decades, UFOs and aliens were considered to be make believe things created by people in tinfoil hats but they are now considered a threat to national security.

Long gone are those who claim conspiracy theories are all false as many are now discussed at the highest levels of government with US officials even admitting their existence.

As more and more credible witnesses continue to come forward to tell their extraordinary stories publicly.

The 2010s saw decades of stigmas around extraterrestrial life start to break down as politicians made UFO sightings a matter of national security.

Across the world, governments have also unveiled some spooky truths with some even showcasing “dead alien corpses” on display for Congress.

Researchers recently verified the legitimacy of a set of three-fingered mummies as potential evidence of “non-human” life forms.

A line-up of doctors confirmed at Mexico‘s Congress on Tuesday that the bodies, purportedly not of this Earth, were in fact real, once-living organisms.

The Pentagon also released a blockbuster 1,574 pages of real-life X-Files in 2022, related to its secretive UFO programme.

The haul includes reports into research on the biological effects of UFO sightings on humans, sets out categorisations for paranormal experiences, and studies into sci-fi-style tech.

Top UFO chief Sean Kirkpatrick told the world last year that he is set to step down from his job following his stern warning of concerning activity “in our backyard.”

The Pentagon‘s UFO analysis office launched a UFO reporting service to the public after admitting to uncovering “some things” and calling the high number of suspicious activity either a foreign power or aliens.

Navy jet footage has revealed the intriguing images of a government-confirmed UFO baffling the internet.

The United States Government launched the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in 2022 to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Mexican journalist and UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan claims this specimen is not related to any known Earthly species[/caption]
Steve Bassett is the only registered UFO lobbyist in Washington DC[/caption]
Harris’ campaign did not respond to questions about her UFO policy[/caption]