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Horoscope for Saturday, November 2, 2024


Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 8:30 to 10:45 p.m. PDT. After that, the moon moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

An average day

This will be a productive day for you, especially if you look at financial matters or how you are dealing with shared responsibilities, perhaps at home. You might also be excited about travel plans or publishing and legal matters. Romance with someone "different" might blossom.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

An average day

Someone might surprise you today. You might feel sympathetic to a friend or member of a group, which is why you might lobby on their behalf or look for ways to help them. Meanwhile, you can benefit from the wealth and resources of someone else. (What goes around, comes around.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

An average day

You're keen to work and boost your earnings today. However, some of you might also be spending money — big-time. Bosses and people in authority might look upon you favorably, which is why this could be the day to ask for permission or approval. (Who knows?)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A positive day

Many options are open for you today. This can be a productive day for you, especially related to sports and the arts. However, you will also enjoy socializing, being on a vacation, and enjoying fun activities with kids. A work-related romance could begin.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

An average day

Your focus on home, family and your private life is strong today. You might take care of someone or feel sympathetic to the needs of a family member. Something unexpected might take place, which causes you to rethink things or go in a new direction.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

An average day

This is a busy day full of errands, appointments, discussions with others, time spent with siblings and relatives plus involvement with friends and groups. Be careful you don't spread yourself too thin. You will also enjoy fixing up your digs and entertaining at home.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

An average day

Be aware of financial matters today. For example, you might have moneymaking ideas. Conversely, you might have ideas about spending money, especially on something elegant or luxurious. (You have good taste.) Enjoy schmoozing with daily contacts today because people are happy to see you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A positive day

Today you feel invigorated and energetic, which is why you might help a family member or work on behalf of a charitable agency dealing with other countries. This is because you have a strong concern for the welfare of others, especially children.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

An average day

Although you want privacy or to be low key today, with both Mercury and Venus now in your sign, you also feel sociable and friendly! You might work to benefit animals or people who need your help.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A positive day

You are popular today! In part, this is because people sense that you feel sympathetic to their needs and you are willing to listen to their problems. And it's true. If you can help someone, you will. You might also enlist a third party like a friend or partner to work with you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

An average day

You're high visibility today, which means people notice you more than usual; plus, they seem to know personal details about your private life. Nevertheless, you make a great impression on others, especially younger people. If you can, you will use your influence to help someone today.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

A positive day

Today you want to do something different. Obviously, if you can travel, this would be ideal. Nevertheless, your idealism is also aroused, which means if you can help someone today, you will. You might also speak up on behalf of someone in need, especially by talking to someone in authority.

If your birthday is today

Singer, songwriter k.d. lang (1961) shares your birthday. You have humanitarian values. You also have strong instincts. Music might play a role in your world. This is a wonderful year to socialize and enjoy life. Your creativity and zest for life are strong! Let your guard down and loosen up a bit. Old friends might reappear.