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7 tips to get the most out of Monster Hunter Now Carnival 2024 Global event


The Monster Hunter Now Carnival 2024 Global is nearly upon us, but before you head out to carve up Nergigante, Silver Rathalos and Golden Rathian, players should prepare themselves for the weekend event.

Running from 9 a.m. Nov. 2 to 11:59 p.m. Nov. 3, the Carnival Global celebration will give players who paid $14.99 first crack at the aforementioned monsters. It also comes with several perks that will jump start newcomers’ foray into the world of the mobile game. According to Niantic, players will discover the following:

  • Large monsters will reappear on the field after 30 minutes.
  • Increased access range in the field by 50%*.
  • *Cannot be combined with a Wander Droplet or Wander Orb.

  • No waiting times for Elder Dragon Interceptions and Hunt-a-thons, meaning you can join one whenever you want.

Yes, it will be exciting to hunt new monsters and craft gear from them, but it’s also important to upgrade the other pieces that players need in the future. Those event perks help out massively with that as players will feel as though they have a nearly endless parade of creatures to hunt. With that in mind, here’s how to prepare and get the most from the experience.

1. Clear out space or purchase some: During the event, players will inevitably run out of space in their storage box. To ensure a smooth experience, get rid of any extra materials or just purchase more room. Nothing is more frustrating in “Monster Hunter Now” than trying to go after a Deviljho and finding that you can’t hold any more items. I’d get rid of items that are easily accessible like small bones or some of the materials from easier foes such as the Great Jagras.

2. Save your First-Aid Med from the day before: The second frustrating thing in “Monster Hunter Now” is running out of recovery items. Players can’t fight monsters if they’re below 30 health points. It’s best to stack them from the day before. Have an allotment of 10 meds from Friday, and on Saturday, use them up and you’ll have an extra five First-Aid Meds from the Shop for a total of 15 on Saturday. Otherwise, players will have to spend money on Potions. Niantic is selling a 50 potion bundle, but it’s pricey.

3. Power up those Thunder, Water and Blast Weapons: If you’re going to hunt those new monsters, it’s best to know their weaknesses. Silver Rathalos is weak to Water elements and has weak points to its head, wings and tail tip. If you’re looking for a rarity 6 material, hit its heads. Gold Rathian is weak to Thunder elements and has weak points on its head, wings and tail tip. If you’re looking for a rarity 6 material, hit the head. Lastly, Nergigante is weak to Thunder and Blast elements. It’s weak spots are the head, forelegs, wings and tail. If players want the rarity 6 drops, they should hit the monster’s horns.

4. Get cooking: Having a full special meter at the beginning of a hunt is sometimes the difference between success and failure. It’s best to cook meats and have a stack of Well-Done Steaks. Consuming them automatically fills the special meter before a battle and keeps that way for five minutes. I’d use it when taking on several Huntathons or an Elder Dragon Interception.

5. Use those pink paintballs for the new monsters: In the previous ticketed event, I was able to paintball the exclusive monster Nightshade Paolumu and share it with friends who didn’t get the ticket. All I had to do was group up with them and we could hunt the monster together. I assume you can do the same for Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian. Best of all, you get extra material for hunting in a group.

6. Use those Hunting Knives judiciously: These valuable items let players double the amount of materials they harvest from hunts. I would only use them on the three event monsters and only when they drop the highest rarity of items. These will be invaluable because players may not be able to upgrade their event armor or weapons immediately and they may need to gather more resources to do that. It may take a while for Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos to appear again, so grab as main of their hard-to-acquire materials as you can.

7. Use those stickers: This new feature is a godsend when doing Huntathons, Elder Dragon Interceptions or Dimensional Rift monsters. It’s essentially a good way to communicate before a hunt. If you’re ready to go and waiting on another hunter, you can express your impatience with the “Go” sticker. If you want to express gratitude, you can say “Thank you” at the end of a hunt. Just have good manners and don’t spam those stickers out.