News in English

The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada

8 THE GAZETTE, MONTREAL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, IT ANNOYED WILLIAM MARINE MATTERS. Government having iippo'ntcd Mr. Patter-u the pcop'e Here, with commendable Ecrso, immediately recognize the situation nml loyally accept Mr. Patterson, against whom, personally, nobody has a word ti tay. The warmth of the greeting extended to the rew governor by Liberals and aiike, on his arrival, was but an ea'ocl of the cordial treatment he is bound to receive on all hands during his le 1 in di apped by limitations that havo interfered wiih its woik, because they were outgiown.To remove limitations and give proper development to what is called the pro. urn i system is the object of the changes no proposed. While it seems like following the order of the Roman Catholic church do this, it is sin ply reluming to the method of ordering the Chi istian church which was followed in the first centuries, a method which prevails to-day in the Church of England, and wherever the order of bishops is known. Just...