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My boyfriend slept with another girl while we were on break – I can’t accept it


DEAR DEIDRE: I found out my boyfriend slept with another girl while we were on a break. 

He says he wasn’t unfaithful because we were just friends then, but it feels like cheating.

We’re both 19 and have been in an on again/off again relationship for two years.

A few months ago, we were arguing a lot so we agreed we said we should take a break.

Then he said he missed me, and I agreed to get back together because I still loved him.  

Things were good, until a mutual friend told me he’d hooked up with another girl while we were apart.

It felt like he only wanted to break so he could have sex with someone else.

He says I’m overreacting and should stop being upset about it. Is he right?



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DEIDRE SAYS: Don’t let him belittle your valid feelings. 

You may have been on a break, but you hadn’t broken up or discussed rules, so you understandably expected him to stay loyal. 

Now you need to work together to rebuild trust or your relationship won’t work. 

Read my support pack, Cheating, Can You Get Over It?

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