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New Indiana Law Requires Women Voters To Show Husband’s ID


INDIANAPOLIS—In an effort to ensure only properly credentialed individuals are allowed to participate in the political franchise, a new law passed Thursday in Indiana requires all women voters to show their husband’s ID before they can be issued a ballot. “As part of our election integrity program, women must arrive at their polling place with a valid Indiana driver’s license, military ID, or U.S. passport belonging to their husband,” said Gov. Eric Holcomb, who added that the law also requires women to present a marriage license confirming they are wedded to a man and a signed letter from a male head of household stating that they have permission to leave their home. “We want to make sure everyone has gone through all the matrimonial channels necessary before they cast their vote. Given the widespread reports of single women voting in an attempt to undermine the sanctity of our elections, this new law could not come at a more appropriate time.” At press time, hundreds of Indiana women were reportedly purged from voter rolls after it was discovered they were divorced.

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