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‘Hell’s Kitchen 23’ episode 6 recap: Who was eliminated in ‘Hell on Wheels’?


Tonight on “Hell’s Kitchen!” The chefs are feeling the heat. When faced with a pasta challenge judged by pasta experts and owners of the critically acclaimed Don Angie, Angie Rito and Scott Tacinelli, the pasta-bilities are endless. Then, one team dishes out a stellar dinner service while the other must face Gordon Ramsay’s wrath in the all-new “Hell On Wheels” episode of “Hell’s Kitchen: Head Chefs Only” airing Thursday, October 31 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

Here’s how the teams stacked up:

Blue Team: Anthony, Brandon, Egypt, Joe, Kyle, Lulu

Red Team: Amanda, Ann Marie, Brittany, Hannah, Magali, Meghan, Whit

After Gordon kept everyone safe last week, someone is sure to be exiting the competition tonight. As most of the chefs celebrate, Whit heads to her bedroom in frustration. She wasn’t as happy with dinner service as Gordon was and she wants him to cut the dead weight!

The next morning is rough on Anthony, whose grandmother died on the same day he found out he’d made it on the show. Today, he’s missing her funeral. “My grandmother raised me to be a very hard worker,” he tells the camera. “I watched her work 16-hour shifts, two jobs, for years. That’s why I’m pushing myself so hard. Everything I’m doing at Hell’s kitchen is for my grandparents.”

Later, the chefs head downstairs for a pasta challenge. They’ll face in pairs based on a random draw and have 40 minutes to cook. Today’s guest judges are the husband-wife duo of Angie Rito and Scott Tacinelli. Here’s how the competition played out:

Pappardelle: Kyle tied Ann Marie 1-1

Cannelloni: Amanda defeated Lulu 2-0

Fettuccini: Joe defeated Hannah 2-0

Tortellini: Brandon tied Brittany 1-1

Cavatelli: Anthony defeated Meghan 2-0

Orecchiette: Magali defeated Egypt 2-0

Because the Red Team had an extra player, Brittany and Whit both made tortellini. The team chose to serve Brittany’s dish, which frustrated Whit. Things get worse when the judges taste Whit’s dish and say, “You should have chosen this one.” Whit would have won both points for the Red Team. Instead, the score was tied 6-6, so to break the tie the judges picked the best dish of the night, which belonged to Joe, the resident Italian. The Blue Team won the contest and a trip to a go-kart track while the Red Team prepares pasta meals for some of the Foxwoods staff.

Later that night Hell’s Kitchen opens for dinner service. Lulu quickly hits a snag for the Blue Team with “ice cold and undercooked” lobster. On the Red Team, Whit’s lobster is “perfect.” The Blue Team’s troubles continue with Brandon’s carbonara that looks like “piss water.” Meanwhile, the Red Team is pushing out appetizers with ease and quickly moves onto entrees. That’s when they make their first hiccup, sending up too many meat portions for their first table. It was Hannah’s mistake and she admits, “I didn’t listen to the call.” At least they have food on the table. The Blue Team is just now sending out their first appetizers.

The Red Team’s struggle on entrees continues at Magali and Meghan’s fish station. The first dish is watery. On the second attempt Magali overcooks the fish, leading one diner to exclaim, “He’s getting pissed!” After she messes up a third time, Gordon kicks the Red Team out of the kitchen. They’ll have to come up with two names to put on the chopping block. Meanwhile, Anthony is excelling on the Blue Team’s meat station. The Blue Team finishes strong and ends up winning this dinner service.

The Red Team nominated Brittany and Meghan for elimination. Gordon is perplexed when Whit admits, “Meghan is the stronger cook,” but they decided to nominate her for being quiet — which is apparently worse than Magali screwing up three rounds of fish. Gordon overrides the Red Team’s decision and eliminates Magali instead. Gordon closes the show stating, “Tonight was anything but a home run for the Red Team, and for Magali, it’s three strikes and you’re out.”