News in English

Ghouls for Kamala


Just in time for Halloween, Ghouls for Kamala have come out of the woodwork. Actually, they are “Witches for Kamala.” Ghouls or witches, whatever you call them, they are all God-denying heathens who need to repent and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.

My daughters came to me as I was leaving for work on Oct. 24 and asked, “Dad, did you hear the 5:00 a.m. SRN News?” (1:24 in the audio.) Having missed it, I looked it up and found the broadcast, which reported:

“Have you been praying for a hedge of protection around Donald Trump? Some witches say it is working. A post on X reveals that self-proclaimed Reddit witches were having problems casting negative spells on the former president because he has ‘some kind of protection around him.’ A post on the Reddit website said, ‘Some other witches had mentioned that doing spells directly against Trump were not as effective as we might hope as he seems to have some kind of protection around him.’ The witch then suggests her coven perform ‘uplifting kinds of spells to help Kamala and the Democrats.’ The post on X has gone viral.”

My daughters were thrilled for the manifest protection of God Almighty around Donald Trump, as we have been praying for him since 2015.

I was shocked that this made the national news, but investigating it, I found this is a real story. Apparently, Christian evangelist Lance Wallnau “said that the Kamala Harris campaign was being driven by an occult spirit and witchcraft.” Next, Big Media denounced him as a “lunatic,” but they failed to announce that “Witches for Harris” is a group that actually formed casting spells against Donald Trump. Now, “It looks like Lance Wallnau’s discussion of ‘spiritual warfare’ during the campaign is a matter of fact, not fiction,” noted columnist Cliff Kincaid.

You can even purchase on Amazon “Witches for Kamala Harris” 2024 T-shirts, “Witches for Kamala” yard signs and even “Being a witch is political” campaign buttons.

NBC discusses the “feminist witches’ movement,” reporting that “1 million people” identify as pagan, Wiccan, or practicing witchcraft, and that they are all part of Harris’ “Rainbow Coalition.”

Jonita Davis reports, “The first women persecuted as witches actually worked in reproductive health care,” including “preventing pregnancies.” Abortion tied to witchcraft is centuries old.

You can see the kindred spirit between Kamala and witches, since the Democratic Party kicked God off their official platform in 2012. At the time, a DNC spokesperson said, “Some might find God offensive.” Like “Witches for Harris”?

Let’s look at Kamala’s real stand on abortion. Even Snopes wormed and squirmed while protecting Harris from the fact that she wants abortions to occur until full term. Snopes quotes Kamala as saying, “Abortion should be left up to the woman.” However, Harris was a co-sponsor of the 2019 Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), which specifically says it “would permit abortion up until delivery.”

Kamala’s supporter Whoopi Goldberg says, “God is fine with abortions.” In fact, she claims “God gave women ‘freedom of choice.'” Two years later Goldberg was still at it, saying, “Abortion is not in the Ten Commandments.” I guess Whoopi missed the Sixth Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill,” which from the Hebrew means, “to dash in pieces, such as, kill (a human being), especially to murder.” Abortion certainly seems to fit this definition since during an abortion “health care providres” are murdering the baby and dashing the infant to pieces, as they rip him or her apart during their procedure. Even Democrat Jimmy Carter said, “I don’t believe Jesus would approve of abortion.”

Recently, I was at a fair and there were booths for two different organizations to help with pregnancies, supporting women in positive ways to have their baby. The organizations were Salem Pregnancy Center and The Pregnancy Network. Each had rubber babies depicting what intrauterine babies looked like from six weeks forward. Do you want to know what the baby looked like at six weeks? Well, it wasn’t a frog or a lump of flesh. It looked like a baby, only smaller. Surprise!

A baby – is a human being – from conception. Wow!

The like-minded witches supporting Kamala and her baby-killing policies, remind me of the 650 B.C. prophecy in Jeremiah, which says:

“Thus saith the Lord; A voice was heard in Ra’mah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Ra’chel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.” (Jeremiah 31:15)

This refers to when wicked king Herod decided to kill all the babies in Bethlehem 2 years old and younger, because he viewed Jesus as a threat to Herod’s power. It seems attempting to kill people who are a threat to your power is a very ancient practice. Wicked King Herod’s baby-killing carnage occurred after Dec. 25 of 2 B.C., which new information suggests as the date the wise men came, bowed down and worshiped God Incarnate, the Baby Jesus.

After killing all the babies in Bethlehem, Herod died the very next year, in 1 B.C. He died of an excruciatingly painful, putrefying unknown illness known in antiquity, as “Herod’s evil.”

The Bible says:

“Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.” (Psalm 34:21)


“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” (James 2:19)

So, Kamala and her supporting witches with their kindred spirits, rather, we should say demonic spirits, are working together because they are birds of a feather. Let us pray that they have a true Divine revelation of hell so that they can repent and receive the Lord.

The Church needs to continue prayers of protection for all God-fearing U.S. leaders, especially for a hedge around our leader, former and future president, Donald Trump.