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WATCH: Liberal Media Blame Sexism for Decline in Black Male Support for Kamala


Liberal news pundits in the waning days of the presidential election are blaming what one MSNBC commentator called "subconscious sexism" for black men's declining support for Kamala Harris.

MSNBC's Jason Johnson, for example, said that "you've got to deal with some of these brothers who are sexist," while the same network's Michael Steele blamed black men for "this bro culture" and for thinking that women should only be "quiet and pregnant."

The pundits' criticisms of black men come after former president Barack Obama criticized the large voting demographic earlier this month, saying turnout for Harris has been lower among "the brothers." Obama advised black men that they should vote for Harris because "the women in our lives have been getting our backs this entire time."

During an interview with The Breakfast Club podcast on Tuesday, Harris was confronted about her lack of black male support, which she denied.

"The brothers aren't saying that," Harris told the podcast's hosts.

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