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Day in the life of Jack Nicklaus: Golden Bear stays busy at Memorial Tournament | Oller

Rob OllerColumbus DispatchShow CaptionJack Nicklaus will have had plenty of practice shaking hands by the time he congratulates the winner of the Memorial Tournament Sunday at Muirfield Village Golf Club.I stopped counting at 150, but it’s safe to say Upper Arlington’s most famous Golden Bear shook well over 200 paws Wednesday as he moved along the 220 acres of golf course on his way to meet-and-greets, photo shoots, autograph signings, ceremonies, lunch, board meetings and dinner.And he didn’t drop from exhaustion. That may be more impressive than him winning the 1986 Masters.“I think he gets very primed for this event,” 2019 Memorial honoree Judy Rankin said."And it means so much to him, he just decides he can be tired later."Nicklaus is 84 but has more energy than a man in his 60s. I should know. I shadowed him from early morning through late afternoon Wednesday – “A day in the life of Jack Nicklaus at the Memorial” if you will – and I needed a nap by the time we parted company. Jac...